Windows 03 安装和配置IIS
- 安装:首先我们将windows2003系统安装光盘放入光驱中。依次在电脑右下角,单击开始 → 控制面板 →选择填加删除程序 填加/删除windows组件→应用程序服务器,点击安装。
- 配置:
- 开启asp访问父路径。 单击 网站 → 属性 → 主目录 → 配置 → 选项 → 启用父路径
- 开启asp访问权限。 步骤如下:打开internet信息服务器管理器 。选中Web服务扩展。选中右侧Active Server Pages ,单击 允许。
- 用非Admin域登录,然后以Admin的权限启动IIS。runas /user:Administrator "mmc c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc"
- SMTP安装:
- 同安装IIS,略。
- 配置:
- Right Click Default SMTP Virtual Server ? Properties ? Access ? Relay,设置可以使用SMTP的机器的IP
- Adsutil.vbs脚本位于C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts. 打开CMD,进入C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts目录 执行下面的语法:
- 功能语法
- 获取 IUSR 帐户密码 cscript.exe adsutil.vbs get w3svc/anonymoususerpass
- 获取 IWAM 帐户密码 cscript.exe adsutil.vbs get w3svc/wamuserpass
- 设置 IUSR 帐户密码 cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set w3svc/anonymoususerpass "password"
- 设置 IWAM 帐户密码 cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set w3svc/wamuserpass "password"
- 备注:如果密码不是明文密码,必须修改 Adsutil.vbs,使它显示明码。为此,请按照下列步骤操作:
- 在记事本中打开 Adsutil.vbs。
- 在"编辑"菜单上,单击查找,键入 IsSecureProperty = True,然后单击查找下一个。
- 将"IsSecureProperty = True"更改为"IsSecureProperty = False"。
- 保存对 Adsutil.vbs 所做的更改,然后关闭记事本。
- Errpr Description:403 You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed. This happens live on the web and locally on the server.
- Solution:sound to me like either you need to check the Execute Permissions on the Web
Site. - Open Internet Information Services MMC
- Select the web site right click and select properties go to the Home Directory tab
- Check the "Execute Permissions".Sounds like it is set to NONE
- Error Description: Could not send out email. SMTP Log shows 550 failed.
- Solution:Check authentication, either IP and user/password.
- Error Description: Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
- Potional Solution:只配了虚拟目录,没有设置默认文档造成的.解决问题的方案:
- 打开IIS->属性->文档标签页->设置你们网站默认主页。
- Error Description:用外围IP浏览,发现所有的CSS式样,主页都不见,全部redirect到一个页面上去了。但是用localhost就一切正常。
- Solution:卸掉在IIS上的某web site上配置的IIRF(redirect配置程序)以后,发现还是如此,后来发现是在website的全站级别上又配置了一层IIRF,导致错误的redirect。
- 可以继续深入的问题:
- 为什么用localhost就不会加载全站级别的配置?或者说,localhost下全局配置无效?
- Error Description:浏览网站的时候会弹出来用户名密码,在IIS里面配置的也是用IUSR_***用户名来访问的。
- Solution:IIS设置的时候将用密码输错了,需要让系统和设置的密码一致。取得密码可以使用上面的Adsutil.vbs工具,再重新设置IIS的匿名访问权限。
- ErrorDescription:When I run the webpage from the server it works without a problem. But if I try running the webpage from a remote box the first screen works, but clicking a hyperlink on the first page shows this error: Server Error in '/' Application. Configuration Error
- Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
- Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'xmlns'.
- Source Error:
- Line 1:
- Line 2:
- Line 3:
- Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\TESTPORTAL05\web.config Line: 2
- Solution:
- virtual directory was set up for v1.1 of the .Net framework, the solution was simple: go to the properties page for the application in IIS, pick the "Asp.net" tab, and change the target framework to 2.0.
- 先装IIS后装ASP.net也会这样。Enter start, program, visual studio 2005 beta 2, visual studio tools, visual studio 2005 command prompt. Type the command "aspnet_regiis -i"
无法显示 XML 页。字符开头。
- Error Description: 处理资源 'http://localhost/Lanxum/default.aspx' 时出错。
- 第 1 行,位置: 2
- Fire Fox: XML解析错误:未组织好位置:http: //localhost/Lanxum/dTeam.aspx 行:1,列:2<%@ page language="C#" masterpagefile="~/MasterPage.master" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="dTeam, App_Web_hkuu-y0n" title="Untitled Page" theme="iAffron" stylesheettheme="iAffron" %> -^
- IE, error reported as below:
- I use visual studio 2005 and iis to develope a new .net website. I promise the code is right, but most pages running in Firefox 2.0 reported this error:
- Solution : The reason is that I install visual studio first(together with .net framework 2.0) and then install IIS. It made .net FK didn't register in IIS. Just run this command with DOS:
- C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
- Once if you have install .net FK and IIS correctly, this sentence will follow:
- 开始安装 ASP.NET 。........................................
- ASP.NET 安装完毕
- Then refresh the page, you will find that the problem is fixed.
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