Thursday, 28 April 2005
自己不在乎的怎样都好,自己在乎的一定要做到最好。",如果我什么都不在乎,我不知道会活成什么样?没有了方向,没有了选择,不再承担责任.....人生不再有任何意义。记得高中的时候,什么也不想,没有梦想,不想未来,每天都是玩,全都是玩,玩什么无所谓,只要吸引注意力,kill time就好。一次班主任愤怒中带着失望和无奈的对我吼:你怎么什么都不在乎,你能不能在乎点什么!叛逆时期的我怎么能听得进去!于是,我的高中青春就在挥霍中度过了。本科的最后一年过得非常充实。实现了梦想,虽然但是也曾想过,如果梦想真的破碎后,我以后肯定不会再考了。因为我真正的去拼了一回。尽管,对别人说,如果考不上我还会再考的.......只不过安慰罢了。
现在的我?不能说没有梦想,但是也绝不能说有梦想。现在的我更像是一个window shopper 一样看别人的奋斗努力。
Wednesday, 27 April 2005
Note for thesis of my lab(1)
摘录一些有用的东东: 1)反应性:智能Agent可以感知它们的环境,并可以对环境发生的变化以及时的方式做出反应,以满足它们的设计目标; 2)预动性:某个Agent通过主动发起可以表现出目标引导的行为,以满足它们的设计目标可以主动发起一个动作; 3)社会行为能力:一个Agent可以与其他Agent(也可能是人)交互,以满足它们的设计目标。 传统的对象的概念和这里说的Agent的概念至少有三个区别: 1)与对象相比Agent包含有更强的自治性的概念,特别是它们自己决定是否接受其他 Agent的请求执行一个动作; 2)Agent具有灵活的(反应的、预动的、社会的)行为能力,标准的对象模型根本没有这种行为能力; 3)多Agent系统本质上是多线程的,其中每个Agent至少假设有一个控制线程。
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Note for Distributed Blackboard Architecture
传说中的Gelerntner's LINDA model架构。这个架构是由多个黑板组成的。每个黑板都在一个Agent上面,Agent上面有一个Servier,用来负责调度。可以从这个图片看出,这个架构应该是一个树形结构的。并且分成等级。低等级的Agent获得一个自己不能解决的求解目标的时候,就将这个问题提交给上一级的Agent的黑板,上一级的黑板负责进一步的调度,它先将问题交给自己的其他下级Agent来完成,如果它们也无法完成,那么就继续提交给上级,直到完成。因此,从这个架构图来看,就像是一个树的遍历,而且是自底向上的遍历。不过,这个架构总体来说和我们的项目的差距非常地大。一方面,我们将推理机看成Agent,而几个推理机通常在一个容器中。就是说,他们都是在本机完成,如果本机的推理机无法完成这个推理机任务,那么再考虑其他容器中的推理机能否完成。而且,看LInda的架构,Agent是分等级的,有父有子,而我们的多个容器其关系应该是对等关系。
Sunday, 24 April 2005
Thursday, 21 April 2005
Note for Blackboard Architecture
提出黑板架构的目的:To address issues of information sharing among multiple heterogeneous problem-solving agents.异构的Agent很有采用黑板的必要,因为他们需要“翻译”。
在架构中:The blackboard is used as a central repository for all shared information. The information on the blackboard represents facts, assumptions, and deductions (推理过程中产生的中间结果)made by the system during the course of solving a problem. Each expert brings a unique set of knowledge to bear, and each may employ a different problem-solving strategy.(每个专家系统所领导的推理机!) Each expert views the information on the blackboard, and tries to contribute to the solution, if possible. (黑板驱动推理机进行推理机,而我们的系统则希望推理机先把问题放进去, - -)A facilitator controls the chalk, mediating among experts competing to write on the blackboard. (中心控制风格,有仲裁机构)The facilitator's function is to determine which expert, at a given point it time, has the most important insight or information to contribute to the problem's solution.
A problem-solving session begins with the facilitator writing the problem specification, along with all known relevant facts and assumptions, on the blackboard, which is visible to all the experts. As individual experts recognize opportunities to apply their own specialized knowledge to the present state of the problem solution, they request the attention of the facilitator. The facilitator selects,(中心仲裁需要选择合适的问题解决人- -) from among those experts requesting attention, the most promising contribution, and writes that insight on the blackboard. This process continues, iteratively, until the problem has been solved.
- In more precise terms, the blackboard may be thought of as a database which represents the working memory of the problem solving system. The experts are modular software subsystems, called knowledge sources(什么意思?专家为什么要和推理机放在一起呢?也许,专家系统可以调用不同的知识??), that represent different points of view, different strategies, and different kinds of knowledge, about how to solve a problem. These problem-solving paradigms include:
- Rule-based systems
- Case-based systems
- Neural networks
- Fuzzy logic systems
- Genetic algorithms
- Legacy (traditional procedural) software systems
The facilitator is represented by the control system, comprised of an event detector (用于被写入问题触发或者被解答触发)and an agenda manager(负责仲裁哪个专家应该负责问题。), that manages interaction between the blackboard, the knowledge sources, and external sources such as users and data acquisition or control systems. The event detector updates the blackboard from sources of external input. The agenda manager adjudicates among experts competing to write to the blackboard.
Note for Blackboard Architecture
提出黑板架构的目的:To address issues of information sharing among multiple heterogeneous problem-solving agents.异构的Agent很有采用黑板的必要,因为他们需要“翻译”。
在架构中:The blackboard is used as a central repository for all shared information. The information on the blackboard represents facts, assumptions, and deductions (推理过程中产生的中间结果)made by the system during the course of solving a problem. Each expert brings a unique set of knowledge to bear, and each may employ a different problem-solving strategy.(每个专家系统所领导的推理机!) Each expert views the information on the blackboard, and tries to contribute to the solution, if possible. (黑板驱动推理机进行推理机,而我们的系统则希望推理机先把问题放进去, - -)A facilitator controls the chalk, mediating among experts competing to write on the blackboard. (中心控制风格,有仲裁机构)The facilitator's function is to determine which expert, at a given point it time, has the most important insight or information to contribute to the problem's solution.
A problem-solving session begins with the facilitator writing the problem specification, along with all known relevant facts and assumptions, on the blackboard, which is visible to all the experts. As individual experts recognize opportunities to apply their own specialized knowledge to the present state of the problem solution, they request the attention of the facilitator. The facilitator selects,(中心仲裁需要选择合适的问题解决人- -) from among those experts requesting attention, the most promising contribution, and writes that insight on the blackboard. This process continues, iteratively, until the problem has been solved.
- In more precise terms, the blackboard may be thought of as a database which represents the working memory of the problem solving system. The experts are modular software subsystems, called knowledge sources(什么意思?专家为什么要和推理机放在一起呢?也许,专家系统可以调用不同的知识??), that represent different points of view, different strategies, and different kinds of knowledge, about how to solve a problem. These problem-solving paradigms include:
- Rule-based systems
- Case-based systems
- Neural networks
- Fuzzy logic systems
- Genetic algorithms
- Legacy (traditional procedural) software systems
The facilitator is represented by the control system, comprised of an event detector (用于被写入问题触发或者被解答触发)and an agenda manager(负责仲裁哪个专家应该负责问题。), that manages interaction between the blackboard, the knowledge sources, and external sources such as users and data acquisition or control systems. The event detector updates the blackboard from sources of external input. The agenda manager adjudicates among experts competing to write to the blackboard.
Wednesday, 13 April 2005
1、Server Application:导出组件以及其配置,并配置到另一台机器上。以*.MSI的格式,生成Install文件。(使用于从开发的机器转移到使用的机器上。)
2、Client Proxy:仅仅导出代理,可以使其在另一台机器远程使用本机的服务。(并不是真正的导出组件)
COM+ Catalog编程实现:
Com+ Admin Library用于负责编程实现COM+ Catalog的功能。